De Human Factor in communicatie

The human factor is increasingly important in communication. Especially now, dialogue and interaction are decisive for the success of communication. But in addition there is one more aspect that is required in communication and that is the aspect “humanity”. It is important that the communication is inviting, starts from the receiver, is understanding and has emotion in it.

This is how you create the human factor in your reputation management approach:

  • Listen to learn instead of reacting directly and defending yourself.
  • Communicate from the perspective of the recipient.
  • Choose a vulnerable position in the dialogue with the stakeholders.
  • Use an empathetic tone of voice.
  • Provide accessible, low-threshold communication.
  • Be approachable and approachable. This certainly also applies to the top of the organization.
  • Choose connection instead of removal with the stakeholders.

Or as Guy Kawasaki puts it so beautifully in his book Enchantment: ‘Be a Mensch’, be honest, kind and transparent. That is the basis for every relationship.

Want to know more about human communication? Then book: hashtag#reputatiemanagementvooriedereen hashtag#reputatie